
Last modified: October 2, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 2 min

“You cannot change how someone thinks, but you can give them a tool to use which will lead them to think differently.”

Buckminster Fuller

Content outline

1. Who are you?

You should read this chapter first as it will remind you of all the common aspects of your Human existence that you share with your fellow Humans despite what others looking to divide us would like you to think.

You can then use this renewed sense of shared Humanity as a stable foundation on which you will start your process of discovery to understand who you really are.

2. What is stopping you from being you?

Each sub section within this chapter is written as a self contained resource.

Within each subsection you will find a list of Universal Human issues others just like you have also grappled with throughout Human history.

However, unlike other self help texts, ‘I’ will also give you MY recommendations for small actions you can take instantly to start making a difference and learning more about each topic. This technique will allow you to take personal ownership of these issues one small step at a time.

With each of these small steps you take, not only will you be proactively saving yourself from further frustration, pain and anguish but as you tell others of your journey and lead by example, your actions will spiral out into the wider World to inspire and enable real change as part of the wider collective Human ReEvolution.

By the end of this chapter you will be able to at least identify several barriers preventing your future personal growth and ultimately, stopping you from getting closer to inner peace.

3. Change the World like others before you

Once you have read and hopefully acted on the small actions for improving your life which ‘I’ suggest in Chapter 2, Chapter 3 will inspire you to build on the amazing progress you have already made. WE will do this by turning our attention externally again to the wider world but now with the real you – fresh with your new or truer perspectives, reduced prejudices and biases. 

By briefly revisiting other mass movements in history, such as the end of racial segregation, the Hippie movement and more recently, internet powered actions like the Climate Strikes, you will see that nearly all of these great cultural changes were started by someone just like you.

In nearly all cases, all these fundamental shifts in Human society or collective consciousness, started simply by someone like you being true to themselves and maximising what makes each and every one of us unique. This could have been being strong enough to speak their truth no matter what or standing up to be counted in some other way by rejecting the status quo of their time.

Also by this point, you should now be able to recognise and crucially, confidently listen to your own inner truths. By harnessing your individually unique but universal Human skills, experiences and qualities you can then choose to join others just like you to hopefully help steer and shape the HUGE changes WE all feel are needed for the good of Humanity going forward.

In short, you will be ready to be part of the larger global Human ReEvolution movement.

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